Permanente physicians are regularly featured in the media on a variety of health issues.
Permanente psychiatrist Greg Simon, MD, helps explain situational depression
May 18, 2020
Greg Simon, MD, MPH, a psychiatrist with Washington Permanente Medical Group, told Health that situational depression occurs after a life event – such as job loss, death of a loved one, or serious illness diagnosis – that leaves the person feeling stressed or upset.
Berkeley coronavirus testing lab highlighted by Stephen Parodi, MD, in Voice of America video
May 12, 2020
Stephen Parodi, MD, an associate executive director of The Permanente Medical Group in Northern California, told Voice of America that Kaiser Permanente is working with “light speed” to build a new 7,000-square-foot testing lab in Berkeley.
Initial COVID-19 drug trials ‘give us hope,’ Stephen Parodi, MD, tells CBSN
May 11, 2020
Stephen Parodi, MD, associate executive director of The Permanente Medical Group and national infectious disease leader for Kaiser Permanente, spoke with CBSN recently about why trials with remdesivir and other drugs matter. CBSN is the CBS News 24/7 digital streaming service.
CNBC interviews Edward M. Ellison, MD, about remdesivir, pandemic’s impact on physicians
May 4, 2020
In a wide-ranging interview Friday with CNBC about COVID-19, Edward M. Ellison, MD, executive medical director and chairman of Southern California Permanente Medical Group, characterized the remdesivir clinical trial as “encouraging.”
Robert Sallis, MD, shares advice on finding the right balance for exercise during coronavirus pandemic
May 1, 2020
In a recent USA Today article, Robert Sallis, MD, a family medicine doctor with the Southern California Permanente Medical Group and co-director of Kaiser Permanente’s Sports Medicine Fellowship, was among experts quoted about how to exercise safely. Dr. Sallis explained that there is a sweet spot when it comes to the amount of time spent working out.
Tweetcap: AMA, Permanente Federation host chat on safely reopening country during COVID-19 pandemic
May 1, 2020
On Thursday, the American Medical Association (AMA) and The Permanente Federation co-hosted a tweet chat, "Clinical Perspectives on Safely Reopening America," which generated an online conversation centered on a path for safely steering Americans through the COVID-19 pandemic and toward a return to normalcy.
Don Mordecai, MD, shares advice for building emotional resilience in a pandemic
April 29, 2020
The coronavirus pandemic has caused significant emotional distress for many individuals coping with a new and unfamiliar reality. In a recent interview with Fast Company, Don Mordecai, MD, psychiatrist with The Permanente Medical Group and Kaiser Permanente national leader for mental and behavioral health, shared that learning how to navigate through these emotions is critical for supporting one’s mental health.
Pulse oximeter use to detect COVID-19 can’t replace a doctor’s visit
April 29, 2020
Many patients with severe cases of COVID-19 have extremely low levels of oxygen in the blood. That may be one reason why interest in pulse oximeters — medical devices that measure the saturation of oxygen in red blood cells — has increased recently.
Edward Lee, MD, among physicians quoted about telehealth as the ‘new normal’ in CalMatters
April 28, 2020
Stay-at-home orders to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus have significantly accelerated the use of telehealth in California, making such visits the “new normal” during current the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a recent story in CalMatters.
‘Forbes’ features Permanente physician Afif El-Hasan on air pollution disparities report
April 27, 2020
More than 14 million people living in communities of color are subject to high levels of air pollution because “areas with cleaner air tend to be more expensive to live in,” Afif Haitham El-Hasan, MD, a pediatrician with the Southern California Permanente Medical Group, told Forbes.