Permanente physicians are regularly featured in the media on a variety of health issues.
Permanente physicians highlight Kaiser Permanente’s coronavirus preparedness on NBC Nightly News
March 2, 2020
In a recent segment, NBC News correspondent Steve Patterson interviewed Permanente physicians Stephen Parodi, MD, and Mary Meyer, MD, about how Kaiser Permanente is preparing for infectious disease outbreaks such as coronavirus.
Permanente gastroenterologist Dan Li, MD, comments in Medscape on endoscopy research
February 27, 2020
Dan X. Li, MD, a gastroenterologist with The Permanente Medical Group in Northern California, commented in Medscape on a study by Portuguese researchers showing a link between higher endoscopic grading of gastric intestinal metaplasia and an increased risk of gastric cancer.
Richard Isaacs, MD, FACS, and Chris Grant cite 5 disruptive trends in health care
February 19, 2020
Richard S. Isaacs, MD, FACS, CEO and executive director of The Permanente Medical Group and co-CEO of The Permanente Federation, and Chris Grant, executive vice president and chief operating officer of the Federation, recently co-wrote an opinion piece on examining 5 disruptive trends that they predict will transform and eventually improve health care in America.
Sameer Awsare, MD, discusses Permanente perspective on biosimilars
February 7, 2020
Sameer Awsare, MD, associate executive director for The Permanente Medical Group, shared in Biosimilars Development how Kaiser Permanente is a leader in the use of biosimilars.
Wall Street Journal quotes TPMG’s David Witt, MD, on mask shortage due to coronavirus
February 6, 2020
David Witt, MD, an infectious disease physician with The Permanente Medical Group, was quoted in the Wall Street Journal today on strains in the global medical-mask market due to the rapidly spreading coronavirus.
David C. Grossman, MD, quoted on JAMA study linking poverty to gun suicide in children
January 29, 2020
David Grossman, MD, senior investigator at Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute in Seattle, shared his thoughts on The Trace news site on a new JAMA Pediatrics study that shows children living in poor areas are nearly twice as likely to die from firearm suicide compared to those growing up in wealthier neighborhoods.
Tweetcap: Permanente physicians commemorate MLK Day
January 22, 2020
On Monday, January 20, Kaiser Permanente honored Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. by taking part in several Day of Service projects across the regions we serve. Check out a tweetcap from the day's activities.
Edward Lee, MD, highlights the importance of addressing patient barriers to care
January 16, 2020
In a recent Physicians Practice story, Edward Lee, MD, executive vice president and chief information officer, The Permanente Federation, highlights the importance of overcoming social needs that present barriers to medical care.
Northwest Permanente’s Matthew H. Richards, MD, discusses Thrive Local
January 14, 2020
Matthew Richards, MD, chief of resource management for Northwest Permanente and regional physician lead for Care Without Delay at Sunnyside Medical Center in Oregon, delved into social determinants of health and Kaiser Permanente’s Thrive Local initiative on a recent edition of “What They’re Watching” on the State of Reform site.
Joshua Weil, MD, discusses the psychological impact of living through wildfires in Time story
January 9, 2020
Joshua Weil, MD, an emergency medicine physician for The Permanente Medical Group, shares his thoughts on the mental impact of living through wildfires.