Health care innovation
These are stories of how Permanente Medicine is transforming health care by improving access, pioneering new technology, and capitalizing on available resources while remaining focused on individual patients and population health.
Virtual poison experts available 24/7
January 29, 2019
Medical toxicologists with The Permanente Medical Group are using their expertise to save lives and reduce lengths of stay.
Early start to cervical cancer prevention
January 24, 2019
Kaiser Permanente’s innovative approach to preventing the United States’ most common sexually transmitted infection involves primary HPV screening and vaccination.
Hunger as a vital sign
November 15, 2018
Permanente physicians are committed to addressing food insecurity for their patients and in the communities they serve, starting the sometimes difficult but important conversation that leads to total health.
Reducing Diagnostic Errors
August 21, 2018
Kaiser Permanente pioneered a program that uses its electronic health record to flag potential patient safety issues, including delayed or missed diagnoses.
The road to physician wellness
August 13, 2018
The Permanente Medical Groups work to foster a culture of wellness and improve physician wellness and resilience through a variety of initiatives.