Health care innovation
These are stories of how Permanente Medicine is transforming health care by improving access, pioneering new technology, and capitalizing on available resources while remaining focused on individual patients and population health.
Experts discuss growing potential of in-home care
October 7, 2020
Permanente physician leader Stephen Parodi, MD, was among the experts discussing how technology helps drive preventive care and healing as care extends into the home.
Thought leaders predict the future of telehealth
August 4, 2020
Kaiser Permanente recently hosted Virtual Care, part of its ThoughtCAST digital event series, featuring an online panel of thought leaders from health care and technology discussing the trends and opportunities in virtual care.
New lab, contact tracing at heart of COVID-19 suppression strategy
June 8, 2020
Kaiser Permanente transforms the way it cares for members as pandemic continues.
Telehealth’s time
May 11, 2020
More Kaiser Permanente members get comfortable with virtual visits such as phone and video appointments during the COVID-19 pandemic.
TPMG physician designs DIY face shield
May 7, 2020
Pediatrician Kerstin Rosen, MD, of The Permanente Medical Group, designed a face shield for health care workers and enlisted the help of the 3D printing community.