Health care innovation
These are stories of how Permanente Medicine is transforming health care by improving access, pioneering new technology, and capitalizing on available resources while remaining focused on individual patients and population health.
Innovation Snapshot: Denise Schaefer, MPH, RD, CHES
January 18, 2018
Registered dietitian Denise Schaefer helps lead efforts at our Southern California Center for Healthy Living to improve patients' total health.
Revolutionizing Diabetes Monitoring
January 3, 2018
New technology lets Kaiser Permanente patients in Southern California conveniently submit their glucose levels.
Fat-Grafting Use in Innovative Breast Reconstruction
December 21, 2017
A Permanente plastic surgeon uses minimally invasive surgery with natural materials from a patient’s body for faster recovery and less scarring and muscle damage.
Innovation Snapshot: Gina Sucato, MD, MPH
December 21, 2017
Gina Sucato, MD, director of the Adolescent Center at the Washington Permanente Medical Group, talks about her work in meeting the care needs of this population group.
Innovation Snapshot: Ali R. Rahimi, MD, MPH, FACC
December 13, 2017
Meet Ali R. Rahimi, MD, a cardiologist with the Southeast Permanente Medical Group and physician director of Performance Improvement and Cardiovascular Quality, and learn how in Georgia we lead hypertension management.