Health care innovation
These are stories of how Permanente Medicine is transforming health care by improving access, pioneering new technology, and capitalizing on available resources while remaining focused on individual patients and population health.
Innovation Snapshot: Ray Nanda, MD
November 29, 2017
Family medicine physician Ray Nanda, MD, leads work for the Southern California Permanente Medical Group to help individuals manage their own total health.
Innovation Snapshot: Ari Melmed, MD
November 20, 2017
Ari Melmed, MD, offers a look at how telehealth services at Kaiser Permanente Colorado help deliver high-quality care and services to patients.
A Coordinated Transgender Person Care Pathway
November 13, 2017
Kaiser Permanente provides comprehensive services, helping patients navigate through transitioning and maintain total health.
Kaiser Permanente’s New Sleek and Smart California Laboratory
July 18, 2017
A new state-of-the-art facility in Southern California incorporates automation to efficiently process highly infectious specimens and support more specialized testing from other regions.
Using Registries to Improve Care
June 14, 2017
Kaiser Permanente National Implant Registries provide data on implantable medical devices to help improve patient safety, decision-making, and outcomes.