Becker's Hospital Review names 8 Permanente leaders to its 2025 "Great leaders in healthcare” list.

Richard S. Isaacs, MD, FACS, joined other health care executives in the "We Will Prevail" video from Becker's Hospital Review.
Richard S. Isaacs, MD, FACS, expresses gratitude to physicians and staff in “We Will Prevail” video
Richard S. Isaacs, MD, FACS, CEO and executive director of The Permanente Medical Group, joined several health care executives from across the United States to offer words of encouragement, praise, and gratitude for physicians and other health care professionals caring for patients during the current COVID-19 pandemic via a “We Will Prevail” video on the Becker’s Hospital Review website.
“I just want to thank all of the doctors and nurses and staff that are going above and beyond the call of duty to protect our patients and our communities,” Dr. Isaacs said in the 3-minute video. Dr. Isaacs is also president and CEO of the Mid-Atlantic Permanente Medical Group and co-CEO of The Permanente Federation.
The video is one in a series of 4 video montages that share positive messages of support to those on the front lines of the coronavirus pandemic.
Note: Watch the video on the Becker’s Hospital Review site.