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Edward Ellison, MD (middle) conducts a walking meeting with his colleagues near his offices in Pasadena, California. Photo credit: Nicole Garris Lorey/Southern California Permanente Medical Group

Edward Ellison, MD, talks the walk in Wall Street Journal walking meeting story


Edward M. Ellison, MD, executive medical director and chairman of the Southern California Permanente Medical Group, in The Wall Street Journal today talks about his innovative approach to meetings – by engaging colleagues and others to stroll as they talk.

“Sitting is the new smoking,” says Dr. Ellison in the article, “When Bosses Call Walking Meetings, Some Employees Wish They’d Take a Hike,” which quotes a wide variety of people from a variety of industries on the pros and cons of walking meetings.

The article mentions that Dr. Ellison is known in his Pasadena, California, office for his enthusiasm for walking meetings and his tendency to incorporate stairs. In fact, Dr. Ellison says that he and a colleague once talked and walked up 27 flights. However, he also says he doesn’t push people to do anything more active than what they find comfortable.

Read the entire article on The Wall Street Journal website (subscription may be required).

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