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Don Mordecai, MD, Weighs In on Teen-age Separation Anxiety

Don Mordecai, MD

Separation anxiety is commonly thought of as an issue for young children, from toddlers to around age 6. But it can be a real issue that occurs at any age, from teens and even adulthood. A recent Washington Post story put a spotlight on the topic and quotes several mental health experts, including Don Mordecai, MD, national Mental Health and Wellness leader at Kaiser Permanente.

In the article, “Separation anxiety: Apparently it’s not just for toddlers,” Dr. Mordecai discusses some of the physical symptoms that may indicate that the anxiety is a more serious disorder, and he also talks about how parents can get input from the teen to work on solutions.

“Learn what kind of strategies they think would work best to help them manage their anxiety over being apart and incorporate these solutions into the approach you take,” says Dr. Mordecai, who is also director of Mental Health and Chemical Dependency Services in Northern California for The Permanente Medical Group.

Read the complete story on the Washington Post site.

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