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Tweetcap: Sharing why #GratitudeisMedicine


With Thanksgiving approaching, it’s officially the season for gratitude. In that spirit, Edward M. Ellison, MD, executive medical director and chairman at the Southern California Permanente Medical Group, recently kicked off a 10-day #GratitudeisMedicine challenge so everyone who contributes to the practice of Permanente Medicine can share what they’re grateful for over social media.


For some, it’s the everyday wonders that inspire unique feelings of gratitude…



…while others relish the opportunity to treat patients, both big and small…


…sometimes gratitude comes from savoring a healthier lifestyle…


…or it could be about appreciating the things in life that provide personal meaning…


…some get their daily dose of gratitude from spending time with loved ones…



…while other occasions just call for appreciating the moment at hand…


…whatever your reason, this is the perfect time of year to think about what makes you grateful…


…and remember to share those positive feelings with others…


…so take some time out of your day to participate in the #GratitudeisMedicine challenge…


Follow Dr. Ellison on Twitter at @EdEllisonMD.

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