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Tweetcap: Highlighting Breast Cancer Awareness Month


October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Following are a sampling of social media posts commemorating the work of Kaiser Permanente and other prominent organizations leading the cause to help prevent breast cancer.

Permanente physicians are proud to provide more than 1 million mammograms annually, putting Kaiser Permanente toward the top when it comes to mammogram screening rates nationwide…



…Permanente physicians are passionate about prevention and detection when it comes to #breastcancer…



…and Kaiser Permanente is working hard to raise awareness across the nation…



…mammograms are the best way to detect breast cancer early and improve chances of survival…



…after skin cancer, breast cancer is the second-most commonly diagnosed cancer among American women…



…but evolving research offers plenty of reasons for optimism about the future of care in this area…



…as Breast Cancer Awareness Month winds down, we invite you to share your own stories on the topic…



To learn more about how Kaiser Permanente’s coordinated care improves breast cancer patient outcomes, read this story.

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