Permanente physician leaders joined timely discussions on lessons learned from value-based care payment arrangements.

Permanente care nurse Helen Cordova becomes one of the first health care workers to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. (Photo courtesy of Kaiser Permanente Southern California.)
Tweetcap: #COVIDvaccine provides shot of hope to medical community
On Friday, December 11, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued the first emergency use authorization (EUA) for a COVID-19 vaccine. The historic approval allowed for distribution of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine in the United States. A week later, another significant step forward occurred when the FDA issued an EUA for a second COVID-19 vaccine manufactured by Moderna.
In the subsequent days as the vaccine rolls out across the country, many Kaiser Permanente leaders and Permanente physicians have shared their enthusiasm and experiences around the #COVIDvaccine …
Hope. Elation. @KPNorthwest @NWPermanente frontline HCWs get their 1st COVID19 vax. Here KWMC first #Oregon pt was admitted, discharged home in 71days! Shot of hope in the arm for all. Pls take yours when it’s your turn! And continue #?#distancing #handwashing ❤️??
— imelda dacones (@ImeldaDaconesMD) December 18, 2020
I’m honored to be present at @KP_LAMC for historic 1st doses of @pfizer @BioNTech_Group #COVIDvaccine to our @PermanenteDocs & @aboutKP heroes. Please continue to do your part by wearing a mask, washing hands & maintaining physical distance. #pandemic #Together
— Nancy E. Gin, MD, FACP (@NancyGinMD) December 14, 2020
To our heroic physicians, nurses, respiratory therapist, clinicians, EVS and administrative team members — thank you! TOGETHER you saved tens of thousands of live — While the fight continues, today history was made with vaccines administered in our clinics and across the nation.
— Chris Grant (@cmgrant) December 15, 2020
… medical teams are celebrating their vaccines and encouraging others to do the same …
Got my 1st COVID vaccine not only for myself, but also for my family, friends & patients. Grateful for @PermanenteDocs for protecting the health of frontline workers, including residents & fellows while we work together to end this pandemic. @KPSDFMR #FamDocs4vax #Docs4Vaccines
— Kerrie Nguyen (@Quebedoux24) December 19, 2020
#CovidVaccine done and dusted✨ For our families, for our patients, for each other @kpeastbayarea @TPMGDocCareers @PermanenteDocs
— Amanda P. Williams, MD, MPH (@KPobgyndoc) December 19, 2020
Big day at our Walnut Creek Medical Center! Our nurse Kimberley was the first to receive the vaccine to join the fight against #COVID19!
— KP Diablo Area (@KPDiablo) December 17, 2020
… some Permanente physicians are documenting their vaccination first-hand …
There is a light at the end of this tunnel!! First day I could get it, I drove as fast as I could. First shot today, next shot in 3 weeks. We are going to beat this. #VaccinesWork #notthrowingawaymyshot @nickisnpdx @PermanenteDocs @KPSanBernardino
— Dr. Fady Mikhael (@QualityKidDOc) December 17, 2020
I believe in science #SCPMG @ABWP_Drs @DocMariB #CovidVaccine #toomanyfunerals #science will save us!
— Dr. La Tanya Hines (@Girlfriendsmedi) December 19, 2020
#ThisIsMyShot?? #CovidDiaries @KPSanBernardino @aboutKP @PermanenteDocs @CMAdocs @RealDoctorMike @Nakhasi_MD @drmikesevilla @drjordanmetzl @NatashaBhuyan @familydocwonk @ACSMNews @TheAMSSM @aafp @GavinNewsom @cafp_familydocs @KIDneysMD @DrJaimeFriedman @EricTopol @drjessigold
— Alex M. McDonald, MD CAQSM FAAFP (@AlexMMTri) December 17, 2020
… while reminding the public that it’s still critical to #MaskUp and follow other COVID-19 safety protocols …
What can we do to get these #COVID19 numbers under control? Be more like other countries!#WearAMaskSaveALife #SocialDistancing #StayHome #StopGathering #stoptraveling #WashYourHands #GetVaccinated #FamDocs4Vax #whywevax #contacttracing #usetheapp #ThisIsOurShot #inspirecreatelead
— Kim Yu, MD, FAAFP (@drkkyu) December 21, 2020
#ThisIsOurShot ??? #becausescience
Best. Christmas Present. Ever.
Please get vaccinated when you have the opportunity. Together we can get through this!
Keep wearing your mask ?
Washing your hands ?
And social distance??♂️↔️??♀️@KPSanBernardino @PermanenteDocs @KPSCALnews— Ashley Zucker MD (@AshleyZuckerMD) December 21, 2020
OBGYN Kiila Johnson, MD, says #IGotTheShot to protect “myself, my family and my patients.” As an African American physician she wants to demonstrate the safety of this vaccine and encourages everyone to get the #COVIDvaccine and #MaskUp
— Mid-Atlantic Permanente Medicine (@MdAtlPermanente) December 19, 2020
… it’s been a time of excitement for frontline medical workers, both inside and outside Kaiser Permanente …
Christmas came early!
It came without ribbons, it came without tags. It came on ice, in a zipped up freezer bag…?
Nothing could MASK this smeyes & I’m feeling honoured to be part of this public health power play ????#CovidVaccine #vacciNATION— Ainslie McBride (@AinslieMcbride) December 19, 2020
Looking at the #PathTwitter family getting #CovidVaccine, wanted to be a part of history while hoping the vaccine gets more available in Canada soon! ??
— Syeda Qasim (@syeda_qasim) December 20, 2020
… some celebrities and prominent figures in health are also sharing their stories …
Our good doc gets vaccinated! A great day for all of us @drsanjaygupta. Watch as he and Dr. Valerie Montgomery Rice @MSMPres get the @pfizer vaccine.
— Poppy Harlow (@PoppyHarlowCNN) December 18, 2020
I’ve never been more excited or proud to #SleeveUp?? #covid19
— U.S. Surgeon General (@Surgeon_General) December 18, 2020
… and, for many in the medical community, the arrival of a vaccine represents a much-needed bright spot at the end of an exceptionally challenging year.
Monumental day @KPOCThrive as we start vaccinating our front line HCW’s for covid. George Yuen, KPOC Chief of Pulmonology and SCPMG Regional Chief gets his vaccine. #covid #ThisIsOurShot #maskup @KPSCALnews @PermanenteDocs
— Todd Newton MD (@ToddNewtonMD1) December 18, 2020
As I wait in the #CovidVaccine monitoring lounge, I’m feeling so grateful: for the team here @UCSDHealth, for years of basic science, for scientists around the world who made this possible (many of them immigrants), & for the countless people in the supply chain.#VaccinesWork
— Kyle P. Edmonds, MD (@kpedmonds) December 21, 2020
Dr. Madrilejo, PGY1, received #covidvaccine today! Thank you for joining the global fight to stop the spread of #covid_19! We are very blessed & thankful #kpnapasolano prioritized #frontlinehealthcareworkers. ??❤️ #covid #covid2020 #kpnsfmr #kpnsfmrp #pandemic @KPNC_Residency
— KP NapaSolano FMR (@KPNapaSolanoFM) December 20, 2020