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Stephen Parodi, MD, says shift from hospital to home acute care can help aging population

Dr. Stephen Parodi
Stephen Parodi, MD

Stephen Parodi, MD, executive vice president of The Permanente Federation, said shifting from hospital to acute care in the home setting could improve access to safe acute and restorative care for the growing number of older Americans and patients with serious or complex illnesses.

Dr. Parodi’s comments appeared in an mHealthIntelligence story about a new $110 million financing round for Medically Home — a Boston-based company that provides technology to care for high-acuity patients in a home setting — that was led by Baxter International, Global Medical Response, and Cardinal Health. Kaiser Permanente and Mayo Clinic, which invested $100 million in Medically Home in May 2021, also participated in the latest funding round.

“With the growing number of people who are aging over 65, we need to create and implement programs that will address the needs of this population at scale,” Dr. Parodi said. “Over the next decade, up to a third of the patients who are currently hospitalized in brick-and-mortar hospitals could be cared for at home.”

Note: To read the entire article, visit the MHealthIntelligence website. See additional coverage in HealthcareITNews.

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