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Stephen Parodi, MD, Outlines CAPP’s Roadmap to Telehealth

Stephen Parodi, MD

The Council of Accountable Physician Practices (CAPP) wants to help health care organizations incorporate telehealth in their service platforms with the release of CAPP’s “A Roadmap to Telehealth Adoption: From Vision to Business Model.” The roadmap was featured in a recent story on the mHealthIntelligence website.

The story quotes Stephen Parodi, MD, CAPP’s chairman and associate executive director at The Permanente Medical Group. CAPP is a coalition of multispecialty medical groups and health systems, including the eight Permanente Medical Groups that provide care to Kaiser Permanente patients and members.

“Telehealth tools have the potential to transform health care delivery by improving access, quality, and efficiency,” Dr. Parodi says. “However, there are significant barriers in realizing these benefits due to current cultural, regulatory and payment practices. At this pivotal time, we must ensure telehealth services are deployed in appropriate ways that are embraced by physicians and patients alike.”

CAPP’s roadmap includes six principles to a telehealth strategy, including focusing on quality, access and convenience, and consumer education.

Read the complete story on mHealthIntellience.

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