In the 2024 season finale of the Permanente Medicine Podcast, host Chris Grant welcomes Sachin Jain, MD, CEO of SCAN Group and SCAN Health Plan, to discuss what health care consolidation means for the practice of medicine.

Podcast: Lessons from the front lines of COVID-19
Stephen Parodi, MD, and Edward Lee, MD, share firsthand accounts of working through the pandemic
The Permanente Medicine Podcast with Chris Grant returns with inside perspectives from 2 Permanente physician leaders who have played central roles in Kaiser Permanente’s COVID-19 response. Stephen Parodi, MD, national infectious disease leader at Kaiser Permanente and executive vice president of External Affairs, Communications, and Brand for The Permanente Federation, and Edward Lee, MD, executive vice president and chief information officer of The Permanente Federation, join host Grant remotely to share their perspectives on innovations in patient care, lessons learned, and silver linings from the pandemic.
Dr. Parodi shares insights on the work of Permanente infectious disease physicians and how they created a unified strategy to address COVID-19. Lending a technological perspective, Dr. Lee discusses the rapid innovation necessitated by the virus in key areas of patient care, including telemedicine and remote monitoring technologies. Both doctors also serve as associate executive directors with The Permanente Medical Group.
Listen to the podcast above, watch on YouTube, or download it on iTunes. Connect with Dr. Parodi on Twitter at @StephenParodiMD, Dr. Lee at @edrleeMD, and Grant at @cmgrant.