Permanente physician leaders joined timely discussions on lessons learned from value-based care payment arrangements.

One of Northwest Permanente's Top Docs, Christopher Moran, MD, a surgical oncologist at Kaiser Permanente Sunnybrook Medical Offices.
Our Northwest doctors are tops
More Permanente physicians top Portland Monthly magazine’s annual Top Docs issue than any other organization
Northwest Permanente and Kaiser Permanente Northwest topped Portland’s Top Doctors & Nurses 2019 list — published by Portland Monthly — with more Northwest Permanente doctors on the list than any other health care organization or physician group in our Northwest region.
This year, 148 Northwest Permanente physicians, 10 physician assistants, 6 certified registered nurse anesthetists, 4 nurse practitioners, and 4 midwives made the list for a total of 172 “Top Physicians/Clinicians” in all. Oregon Health and Science University placed second, with 117 clinicians on the list.
More than 12,000 votes were submitted across 75 medical specialties. Clinicians could nominate up to 4 clinicians in each specialty and answer the question: To whom would they trust the care of their loved ones?
“Thank you to everyone who took the time to vote, recognize and shine the spotlight on our remarkable colleagues and friends, and to showcase our pride in one another as Permanente physicians and Kaiser Permanente clinicians,” said Imelda Dacones, MD, president and chief executive officer, Northwest Permanente.