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Maxine Dexter, MD, among physicians discussing unusual COVID-19 symptoms


The medical community continues to evolve its understanding of the coronavirus and COVID-19. Late last week, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention added 6 new symptoms to the more commonly understood COVID-19 symptoms of fever, cough, and shortness of breath.

A Healthline story published yesterday goes further to discuss unusual symptoms that doctors may miss, including nausea, rash, delirium, or cardiovascular complications. Maxine Dexter, MD, a pulmonology and critical care specialist with Northwest Permanente, told Healthline she’s hearing from colleagues about abnormal blood clotting associated with coronavirus patients.

“We are hearing reports from our ER colleagues about patients presenting with stroke and heart attack symptoms that end up being COVID-positive,” she said in the Healthline story.

Dr. Dexter said things are evolving so quickly that understanding of COVID-19 may change again next week.

To learn about other symptoms and read the full story, visit Healthline.

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