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Dennis Truong, MD, named to National Quality Forum Telehealth Committee


In spite of the rapid growth of telemedicine over the past 15 years, there is still much to be learned about how to best measure the effectiveness and quality of these virtual health interventions, particularly in rural areas. With funding from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the National Quality Forum over the next 12 months will work with a group of leaders in the field to review existing telehealth metrics in order to identify gaps and develop guiding principles for future telehealth measurement.

Dennis Truong, MD, Telemedicine/Mobility director and an assistant physician-in-chief for Mid-Atlantic Permanente Medical Group, will serve as a member of the forum’s Telehealth Committee, where he will call upon his experience at Mid-Atlantic Permanente Medical Group with integrating technological solutions to improve effectiveness in health care delivery.


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