Learn how physicians play an integral role in evaluating medical products in an important conversation with Sande Irwin, MD, chair of the Kaiser Permanente National Product Council.
Pain points: Navigating the opioid crisis
Listen to this episode for an up-to-date overview on opioid crisis from guest Bobby Mukkamala, MD, chair of the American Medical Association’s Substance Use and Pain Care Taskforce. Dr. Mukkamala talks to host Alex McDonald, MD, of the Southern California Permanente Medical Group, about the latest data, systemwide steps to create change, and clinical strategies that can help doctors balance pain management with addiction prevention.
- Bobby Mukkamala, MD, Chair, American Medical Association Substance Use and Pain Care Taskforce
Podcast transcript
Transcript is autogenerated. Although edited for clarity, it should not be considered an exact replication of the podcast and may also be updated as needed.